And now, only the Dragonborn can slay these beasts and put an end to their scheme. Initially thought to have been extinct, the reptilian race of dragons reemerged during the Skyrim Civil War.

For Eldersblood Peak dragon lair, head west of Skyborn Altar or find it near the flat part of the mountains by heading south from Morthal.The location is near the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon. Head northeast from Morthal and scale the mountain to get to the Skyborn Altar lair.To get to the Ancient’s Ascent dragon lair, head towards Helgen from Falkreath, take a right and go past Greywater Grotto.Take a left from the Ritual Stone near Whiterun, then take a right and proceed through the snow to reach Shearpoint dragon lair.Climb the mountain beginning from the passing trail to find it. Mount Anthor lair is in the northern part of the map, near Winterhold.The chest is on top of the taller watchtower, and the word wall is across the bridge. Go to Ruins of Bthalft, and head south to Autumnwatch Tower at the lower end of the map.For the Dragon lair at Bonestrewn Crest, head south from Windhelm or north from Northwind Summit, past a small hill.There’s an additional chest inside a nearby house as well. Northwind Summit is near Riften, up on the mountainside.Dragon Lairs have a chest with extra rewards as well. Each Dragon location also has a Word Wall, which gives you a Dragon Shout.